Failure Analysis
We offer Failure Analysis Services to a wide range of customers within the electronics industry. For a successful F/A a combination of good equipment and skilled engineers/technicians is key. Throughout the years we have continuously extended our equipment capability to keep pace with the technology developments. Importantly, our staffing has similarly grown in size, experience and skills. Having this capability in a centralized lab is unique in Europe and our extensive offering and F/A outcome is highly appreciated by our customers.
Services Available
- Non Destructive Analysis
- Construction Analysis
- FIB Circuit Edit
- IPC Inspection
- Advanced Failure Analysis
Your benefits
Depending on your product phase a successful failure analysis brings you at least one of the following benefits:
Quicker time to market
Reduction of manufacturing costs (yield improvements)
Reduction of product maintenance costs
Reduction of field return rates
Increased knowledge of your own product
So a Failure Analysis certainly adds value!
Need more information?
Our sales team is ready to support you in case needed and when you explain your issue/ needs/ challenges we can propose a dedicated and efficient F/A flow.