Non Destructive Analysis

The purpose of our Non-Destructive Analysis service is to perform an analysis without changing the physical properties of a sample

Every failure analysis starts with a Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA) since the physical properties of the samples are unaffected by the analysis technique.



  • (3D) Optical Microscopy
  • X-ray Analysis (2D & 3D)
  • Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM)
  • (3D) Lock-in Thermography (LIT)


Your Benefits:

  • Quick turn-around NDA analysis
  • Experienced staff
  • High-quality NDA images
  • Web-based secure portal (CMIDS) for sharing of NDA results 


Need more information?

Detailed technical information can be found in our Non-Destructive Analysis Service leaflet:

MASER Non-Destructive Analysis leaflet



Please feel free to contact us or to send an inquiry to our sales team!