HAST Test Service Expansion

MASER Engineering B.V. is pleased to announce that a new ESPEC HAST system has been purchased due to increased HAST test service requests from our customers. The EHS-431M system has one big chamber, bringing the total number of available HAST test chambers at 7 (5 systems in total with 3x 1 chamber and 2x 2 chamber).

The EHS-431M has been adapted for 600V operation.

These tests are executed in compliance with our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. For our scope of accreditation please check the website of the Dutch Accreditation Council www.rva.nl (lab code L 388).

The ESPEC EHS-431M has been purchased from Hielkema Test Equipment located in Uden, the Netherlands.

For any further information about our HAST test services please contact Mr. Wilhelm Niessen (Reliability Department Manager) or Mr. Mark Gortemaker (Sales & Marketing Manager).