Eurofins | MASER and Imina Technologies Join Forces to Offer Top-level Service in Nanoprobing and Electrical Failure Analysis.

Eurofins | MASER and Imina Technologies now offer joint services in semiconductor nanoprobing and electrical failure analysis (EFA). The companies are putting together their expertise for the customers to benefit from the whole testing cycle of their semiconductor samples.

Nanoprobing and EFA are crucial for designing safe chips and for controlling the quality of fabricated samples. Given the complexity and shrinking size of semiconductor components that can comprise nanometer-scale technology nodes, the sample preparation and nanoprobing itself require complex and expensive equipment such as focused ion beam mills, plasma etchers, scanning and transmission electron microscopes and nanoprobing solutions. Many companies prefer to outsource these processes to avoid high costs and to save time. But even then, it is hard to find a service provider who can take over the whole testing cycle.

Eurofins | MASER has 30 years of experience in reliability testing and failure analysis of semiconductor devices. They are very well equipped both knowledge- and technology-wise to prepare even the most advanced samples for testing without damaging them.

Imina Technologies are experts in using in situ SEM nanoprobing for transistor characterization and EFA techniques such as EBIC, EBAC and EBIRCh. Benchmarking Imina Technologies nanoprobing solutions for different customers in semiconductor industry, they have accumulated a vast expertise in testing various samples.

Thijs Kempers, CEO at Eurofins | MASER: “The partnership with Imina will allow us to offer even more high-quality services to our customers. Furthermore, we can support Imina with the sample preparation needed to perform such a complex analysis”

Guillaume Boetsch, Co-founder and Head of Sales and Marketing at Imina Technologies: “We have a top-level nanoprobing facilities and extensive expertise. With the support of Eurofins | MASER, we can offer nanoprobing and EFA service to the customers who don’t have sample preparation capability themselves. We look forward to new requests and challenging devices!”

Thanks to this collaboration, both companies can now offer a complete testing service cycle, with Eurofins | MASER doing the sample preparation, and Imina Technologies performing advanced nanoprobing and electrical failure analysis.

To learn more about the testing services offered by both companies, please write to or