
The purpose of electrical testing is to assure that the electrical parameters of components or modules are within limits or to measure deviations due to environmental stresses (read point testing). 

We have a wide range of electrical test equipment available including skills to support many engineering applications. In our lab we can test passive components (resistors / capacitors / inductors / filters / crystals), electro-mechanical devices (relays / connectors / switches) and active semiconductor devices (diodes / transistors / smart power / RF).

For electrical tests that are outside our capabilities, we work in close cooperation with our partners.



  • Wide range of bench test equipment available
  • Full custom electrical test set-ups possible
  • Software-driven automatic test execution for maximum flexibility 
  • In-house design and manufacturing of electrical test fixtures 


Need more information? 

Please feel free to contact us or to send an inquiry to our sales team!